Invictus Martial Arts will be represented in a booth at the 2019 Wilma Expo on Saturday December 14th in the Wilmington Convention Center from 10:00AM-4:00PM! Come check us out for some great demos and Holiday enrollment specials that will ONLY be available for people coming by our booth at the Expo! We look forward to getting to know our community more and helping to make it a safer and better place through positive and professional martial arts training.
The Wilmington Convention Center is located at 515 Nutt Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 in beautiful downtown Wilmington. If you are a current student and would like to volunteer for working the booth and/or demonstrations through the day, please let Master Crucitti know asap and we will start working on a schedule for the day!
!!!DON'T FORGET!!! Register to attend the Wilma Expo ahead of time by Saturday, December 7th by CLICKING HERE so that you do not have to pay $5 at the door to get in!
Holiday Sale
Posted: November 27, 2019
We are excited to announce that Invictus Martial Arts will be starting our Holiday Sale November 29th (Black Friday) until our Holiday Party on December 7th! See the details below! Also, if you come in or call us at 910.821.5111 on Black Friday between 12pm-6pm, there will be extra special pricing on ALL Pro-Shop items! To view all available items, CLICK HERE! Please email Master Crucitti at or call for pricing inquiries on items. Thank you!
Pro-Shop Sale!
P3 Kali Training Seminar
Posted: November 09, 2019
Kali Training Seminar
Invictus Martial Arts will be hosting this Kali training seminar as an awesome way to diversify your martial arts knowledge! We invite you to come on Sunday, December 1st, 2019 to join us for this great learning opportunity from 12:00PM-3:00PM. Registration is only $50 and the link to register is below. Register now as we can only take 35 total students for the event, teenagers and up, and YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER. No registration at the door.
What's Included?
Women's Self-Defense Seminar
Posted: October 27, 2019
Women's Self Defense Seminar - Saturday, November 2nd
By now we have all heard of the attacks that have been happening in the Ogden area of Wilmington. This is NOT okay! We should feel safe in our own beautiful community. We aim to help offer the community a FREE self-defense seminar for women on Saturday, November 2nd at 10:00AM-11:30AM to spread awareness and possibly even help save lives. A big part of defending yourself is having situational awareness and we will cover not only different methods of defending yourself, but also the concepts behind self defense and how to possibly avoid being in a situation like this in the first place. When contact is unavoidable, you will need to have the tools and knowledge to be able to handle the situation and get to safety. If you don't train and learn some sort of self-defense, cognitive freezing may occur and you will not be able to do anything. This is not something we want to happen and is just one reason why we diligently train here at Invictus Martial Arts to make sure we are ready if and when something like these most recent attacks does occur.
We invite you to come train with us for free on Saturday, November 2nd at 10:00AM to help learn life saving techniques and concepts for you and your family. Invictus Martial Arts will be offering refreshments and enrollment opportunities for our martial arts programs as well. We can't wait to see you on the mat and to help make this community even safer!
Benefits of Martial Arts
Posted: October 25, 2019
Seven Awesome Benefits of Training in Martial Arts
Here is a list of seven of the many benefits of martial arts. I know it has helped me in every single way listed below and then some. Contact us now to find out how martial arts can benefit YOU and your family!